Historical Events in August, Month of August Events

Here is a list of some historical events in August. You can learn What major event happened in August?

Date Event
August 8, 1870 The Republic of Ploiești, a failed Radical-Liberal rising against Domnitor Carol of Romania.
August 12, 1914 World War I: The Battle of Halen a.k.a. Battle of the Silver Helmets a clash between large Belgian and German cavalry formations at Halen, Belgium.
August 1, 2007 The I-35W Mississippi River bridge spanning the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapses during the evening rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring 145.
August 8, 1940 The "Aufbau Ost" directive is signed by Wilhelm Keitel.
August 1, 1980 A train crash kills 18 people in County Cork, Ireland.
August 21, 1993 NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft.
August 24, 1215 Pope Innocent III issues a bull declaring Magna Carta invalid.
August 20, 1948 Soviet Consul General in New York, Jacob M. Lomakin is expelled by the United States, due to the Kasenkina Case.
August 25, 1985 Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 crashes near Auburn, Maine, killing all eight people on board including peace activist and child actress Samantha Smith.
August 30, 1800 Gabriel Prosser postpones a planned slave rebellion in Richmond, Virginia, but is arrested before he can make it happen.
August 24, 2017 The National Space Agency of Taiwan successfully launches the observation satellite Formosat-5 into space.
August 11, 1988 A meeting between Sayyed Imam Al-Sharif, Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, and leaders of Egyptian Islamic Jihad in Afghanistan culminates in the formation of Al-Qaeda.
August 22, 2006 Grigori Perelman is awarded the Fields Medal for his proof of the Poincaré conjecture in mathematics but refuses to accept the medal.
August 18, 1848 Camila O'Gorman and Ladislao Gutierrez are executed on the orders of Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas.
August 28, 1189 Third Crusade: The Crusaders begin the Siege of Acre under Guy of Lusignan.

You can click on the link of the days below to learn what happened in the world in August.

Historical Events On August 1
Historical Events On August 2
Historical Events On August 3
Historical Events On August 4
Historical Events On August 5
Historical Events On August 6
Historical Events On August 7
Historical Events On August 8
Historical Events On August 9
Historical Events On August 10
Historical Events On August 11
Historical Events On August 12
Historical Events On August 13
Historical Events On August 14
Historical Events On August 15
Historical Events On August 16
Historical Events On August 17
Historical Events On August 18
Historical Events On August 19
Historical Events On August 20
Historical Events On August 21
Historical Events On August 22
Historical Events On August 23
Historical Events On August 24
Historical Events On August 25
Historical Events On August 26
Historical Events On August 27
Historical Events On August 28
Historical Events On August 29
Historical Events On August 30
Historical Events On August 31