Historical Events in October, Month of October Events

Here is a list of some historical events in October. You can learn What major event happened in October?

Date Event
October 21, 1392 Japanese Emperor Go-Kameyama abdicates in favor of rival claimant Go-Komatsu.
October 15, 1997 The Cassini probe launches from Cape Canaveral on its way to Saturn.
October 31, 1922 Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy
October 29, 1972 The three surviving perpetrators of the Munich massacre are released from prison in exchange for the hostages of the hijacked Lufthansa Flight 615.
October 19, 1984 A Roman Catholic priest, Jerzy Popiełuszko, associated with the Solidarity Union, is killed by three agents of the Polish Communist internal intelligence agency.
October 6, 1927 Opening of The Jazz Singer, the first prominent "talkie" movie.
October 19, 2003 Mother Teresa is beatified by Pope John Paul II.
October 9, 1950 The Goyang Geumjeong Cave massacre in Korea begins.
October 21, 1986 In Lebanon, pro-Iran kidnappers claim to have abducted American writer Edward Tracy (he is released in August 1991).
October 12, 1654 The Delft Explosion devastates the city in the Netherlands, killing more than 100 people.
October 31, 2014 During a test flight, the VSS Enterprise, a Virgin Galactic experimental spaceflight test vehicle, suffers a catastrophic in-flight breakup and crashes in the Mojave Desert, California,
October 2, 1996 The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments are signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton.
October 21, 1944 World War II: The first kamikaze attack damages HMAS Australia as the Battle of Leyte Gulf begins.
October 14, 1956 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, leader of India's Untouchable caste, converts to Buddhism along with 385,000 of his followers (see Neo-Buddhism).
October 11, 1767 Surveying for the Mason–Dixon line separating Maryland from Pennsylvania is completed.

You can click on the link of the days below to learn what happened in the world in October.

Historical Events On October 1
Historical Events On October 2
Historical Events On October 3
Historical Events On October 4
Historical Events On October 5
Historical Events On October 6
Historical Events On October 7
Historical Events On October 8
Historical Events On October 9
Historical Events On October 10
Historical Events On October 11
Historical Events On October 12
Historical Events On October 13
Historical Events On October 14
Historical Events On October 15
Historical Events On October 16
Historical Events On October 17
Historical Events On October 18
Historical Events On October 19
Historical Events On October 20
Historical Events On October 21
Historical Events On October 22
Historical Events On October 23
Historical Events On October 24
Historical Events On October 25
Historical Events On October 26
Historical Events On October 27
Historical Events On October 28
Historical Events On October 29
Historical Events On October 30
Historical Events On October 31