Historical Events on September 8, Special Events on This Day

Important Events From This day in History September 8th. Find Out What happened 8th September This Day in History on your birthday. Also you can find some answers for the following questions;
Which major historical events happened on September 8?
What happened on September 8th in history?
What special day is September 8?
What happened in history on September 8th?

What Happened on September 8th This Day in History

Year Name
2022 Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom dies at Balmoral Castle in Scotland after a reign lasting over 70 years. Her son Charles, Prince of Wales, becomes King of the United Kingdom, assumed the regnal name Charles III.[11]
2017 Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announce the beginning of the Deir ez-Zor campaign, with the stated aim of eliminating the Islamic State (IS) from all areas north and east of the Euphrates.[9]
2016 NASA launches OSIRIS-REx, its first asteroid sample return mission. The probe will visit 101955 Bennu and is expected to return with samples in 2023.
2005 Two Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft from EMERCOM land at a disaster aid staging area at Little Rock Air Force Base; the first time Russia has flown such a mission to North America.
2004 NASA's unmanned spacecraft Genesis crash-lands when its parachute fails to open.
1994 USAir Flight 427, on approach to Pittsburgh International Airport, suddenly crashes in clear weather killing all 132 aboard, resulting in the most extensive aviation investigation in world history and altering manufacturing practices in the industry.
1989 Partnair Flight 394 dives into the North Sea, killing 55 people. The investigation showed that the tail of the plane vibrated loose in flight due to sub-standard connecting bolts that had been fraudulently sold as aircraft-grade.
1988 Yellowstone National Park is closed for the first time in U.S. history due to ongoing fires.
1986 Nicholas Daniloff, a correspondent for U.S. News & World Report, is indicted on charges of espionage by the Soviet Union.
1978 Black Friday, a massacre by soldiers against protesters in Tehran, results in 88 deaths, it marks the beginning of the end of the monarchy in Iran.
1975 Gays in the military: US Air Force Tech Sergeant Leonard Matlovich, a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War, appears in his Air Force uniform on the cover of Time magazine with the headline "I Am A Homosexual". He is given a general discharge, later upgraded to honorable.
1974 Watergate scandal: US President Gerald Ford signs the pardon of Richard Nixon for any crimes Nixon may have committed while in office.
1973 World Airways Flight 802 crashes into Mount Dutton in King Cove, Alaska, killing six people.
1971 In Washington, D.C., the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is inaugurated, with the opening feature being the premiere of Leonard Bernstein's Mass.
1970 Trans International Airlines Flight 863 crashes during takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, killing all 11 aboard.
1966 The landmark American science fiction television series Star Trek premieres with its first-aired episode, "The Man Trap".
1962 Last run of the famous Pines Express over the Somerset and Dorset Railway line (UK) fittingly using the last steam locomotive built by British Railways, BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star.
1960 In Huntsville, Alabama, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower formally dedicates the Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA had already activated the facility on July 1).
1954 The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) is established.
1952 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation makes its first televised broadcast on the second escape of the Boyd Gang.
1946 The referendum abolishes the monarchy in Bulgaria.
1945 The division of Korea begins when United States troops arrive to partition the southern part of Korea in response to Soviet troops occupying the northern part of the peninsula a month earlier.
1944 World War II: London is hit by a V-2 rocket for the first time.
1943 World War II: The Armistice of Cassibile is proclaimed by radio. OB Süd immediately implements plans to disarm the Italian forces.
1941 World War II: German forces begin the Siege of Leningrad.
1935 US Senator from Louisiana Huey Long is fatally shot in the Louisiana State Capitol building.
1934 Off the New Jersey coast, a fire aboard the passenger liner SS Morro Castle kills 137 people.
1933 Ghazi bin Faisal became King of Iraq.
1926 Germany is admitted to the League of Nations.
1925 Rif War: Spanish forces including troops from the Foreign Legion under Colonel Francisco Franco landing at Al Hoceima, Morocco.
1923 Honda Point disaster: Nine US Navy destroyers run aground off the California coast. Seven are lost, and twenty-three sailors killed.
1921 Margaret Gorman, a 16-year-old, wins the Atlantic City Pageant's Golden Mermaid trophy; pageant officials later dubbed her the first Miss America.
1916 In a bid to prove that women were capable of serving as military dispatch riders, Augusta and Adeline Van Buren arrive in Los Angeles, completing a 60-day, 5,500 mile cross-country trip on motorcycles.
1914 World War I: Private Thomas Highgate becomes the first British soldier to be executed for desertion during the war.
1905 The 7.2 Mw  Calabria earthquake shakes southern Italy with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing between 557 and 2,500 people.
1900 Galveston hurricane: A powerful hurricane hits Galveston, Texas killing about 8,000 people.
1892 The Pledge of Allegiance is first recited.
1888 Isaac Peral's submarine is first tested.
1888 The Great Herding (Spanish: El Gran Arreo) begins with thousands of sheep being herded from the Argentine outpost of Fortín Conesa to Santa Cruz near the Strait of Magellan.
1888 In London, the body of Jack the Ripper's second murder victim, Annie Chapman, is found.
1888 In England, the first six Football League matches are played.
1883 The Northern Pacific Railway (reporting mark NP) was completed in a ceremony at Gold Creek, Montana. Former president Ulysses S. Grant drove in the final "golden spike" in an event attended by rail and political luminaries.
1863 American Civil War: In the Second Battle of Sabine Pass, a small Confederate force thwarts a Union invasion of Texas.
1862 Millennium of Russia monument is unveiled in Novgorod.
1860 The steamship PS Lady Elgin sinks on Lake Michigan, with the loss of around 300 lives.
1855 Crimean War: The French assault the tower of Malakoff, leading to the capture of Sevastopol.
1831 William IV and Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
1831 November uprising: The Battle of Warsaw effectively ends the Polish insurrection.
1813 At the final stage of the Peninsular War, British-Portuguese troops capture the town of Donostia (now San Sebastián), resulting in a rampage and eventual destruction of the town.
1810 The Tonquin sets sail from New York Harbor with 33 employees of John Jacob Astor's newly created Pacific Fur Company on board. After a six-month journey around the tip of South America, the ship arrives at the mouth of the Columbia River and Astor's men establish the fur-trading town of Astoria, Oregon.
1796 French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Bassano: French forces defeat Austrian troops at Bassano del Grappa.
1793 French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Hondschoote.
1781 American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Eutaw Springs in South Carolina, the war's last significant battle in the Southern theater, ends in a narrow British tactical victory.
1775 The unsuccessful Rising of the Priests in Malta.
1761 Marriage of King George III of the United Kingdom to Duchess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
1760 French and Indian War: French surrender Montreal to the British, completing the latter's conquest of New France.
1756 French and Indian War: Kittanning Expedition.
1755 French and Indian War: Battle of Lake George.
1727 A barn fire during a puppet show in the village of Burwell in Cambridgeshire, England kills 78 people, many of whom are children.
1655 Warsaw falls without resistance to a small force under the command of Charles X Gustav of Sweden during The Deluge, making it the first time the city is captured by a foreign army.
1565 St. Augustine, Florida is founded by Spanish admiral and Florida's first governor, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés.
1565 The Knights of Malta lift the Ottoman siege of Malta that began on May 18.
1522 Magellan–Elcano circumnavigation: Victoria arrives at Seville, technically completing the first circumnavigation.
1514 Battle of Orsha: In one of the biggest battles of the century, Lithuanians and Poles defeat the Russian army.
1504 Michelangelo's David is unveiled in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.
1380 Battle of Kulikovo: Russian forces defeat a mixed army of Tatars and Mongols, stopping their advance.
1331 Stefan Dušan declares himself king of Serbia.
1276 Pope John XXI is elected Pope.
1264 The Statute of Kalisz, guaranteeing Jews safety and personal liberties and giving battei din jurisdiction over Jewish matters, is promulgated by Bolesław the Pious, Duke of Greater Poland.
1253 Pope Innocent IV canonises Stanislaus of Szczepanów, killed by King Bolesław II.
1198 Philip of Swabia, Prince of Hohenstaufen, is crowned King of Germany (King of the Romans)
1100 Election of Antipope Theodoric.
617 Battle of Huoyi: Li Yuan defeats a Sui dynasty army, opening the path to his capture of the imperial capital Chang'an and the eventual establishment of the Tang dynasty.
Famous People Born on September 8

Here is a random list who born on September 8. For full list please click on the link above.

Year Name
1991 Ignacio González, Mexican footballer
1945 Vinko Puljić, Croatian cardinal
1951 Tim Gullikson, American tennis player and coach (d. 1996)
1924 Marie-Claire Kirkland, American-Canadian lawyer, judge, and politician (d. 2016)
1973 Khamis Al-Dosari, Saudi Arabian footballer (d. 2020)
1633 Ferdinand IV, King of the Romans (d. 1654)
1965 Tutilo Burger, German Benedictine monk and abbot
1900 Tilly Devine, English-Australian organised crime boss (d. 1970)
1964 Michael Johns, American businessman and political activist
1973 Matteo Strukul, Italian writer and journalist
Famous People Deaths On September 8

Here is a list of some famous peope who died on September 8. For full list please click on the link above.

Date Name
2012 Ronald Hamowy, Canadian historian and academic (b. 1937)
1943 Julius Fučík, Czech journalist (b. 1903)
1644 John Coke, English civil servant and politician (b. 1563)
1970 Percy Spencer, American engineer, invented the microwave oven (b. 1894)
1100 Antipope Clement III (b. 1029)
2007 Vincent Serventy, Australian ornithologist, conservationist, and author (b. 1916)
2002 Laurie Williams, Jamaican cricketer (b. 1968)
1985 John Franklin Enders, American virologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1887)
1425 Charles III of Navarre (b. 1361)
1613 Carlo Gesualdo, Italian lute player and composer (b. 1566)