Historical Events on September 25, Special Events on This Day

Important Events From This day in History September 25th. Find Out What happened 25th September This Day in History on your birthday. Also you can find some answers for the following questions;
Which major historical events happened on September 25?
What happened on September 25th in history?
What special day is September 25?
What happened in history on September 25th?

What Happened on September 25th This Day in History

Year Name
2018 Bill Cosby is sentenced to three to ten years in prison for aggravated sexual assault.
2003 The 8.3 Mw  Hokkaidō earthquake strikes just offshore Hokkaidō, Japan.
1998 PauknAir Flight 4101, a British Aerospace 146, crashes near Melilla Airport in Melilla, Spain, killing 38 people.
1992 NASA launches the Mars Observer. Eleven months later, the probe would fail while preparing for orbital insertion.
1987 Fijian Governor-General Penaia Ganilau is overthrown in a coup d'état led by Lieutenant colonel Sitiveni Rabuka.
1983 Thirty-eight IRA prisoners, armed with six handguns, hijack a prison meals lorry and smash their way out of the Maze Prison.
1981 Belize joins the United Nations.
1978 PSA Flight 182, a Boeing 727, collides in mid-air with a Cessna 172 and crashes in San Diego, killing all 135 aboard Flight 182, both occupants of the Cessna, as well as seven people on the ground.
1977 About 4,200 people take part in the first running of the Chicago Marathon.
1974 Dr. Frank Jobe performs first ulnar collateral ligament replacement surgery (better known as Tommy John surgery) on baseball player Tommy John.
1969 The charter establishing the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is signed.
1964 The Mozambican War of Independence against Portugal begins.
1963 Lord Denning releases the UK government's official report on the Profumo affair.
1962 The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is formally proclaimed. Ferhat Abbas is elected President of the provisional government.
1962 The North Yemen Civil War begins when Abdullah al-Sallal dethrones the newly crowned Imam al-Badr and declares Yemen a republic under his presidency.
1959 Solomon Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, is mortally wounded by a Buddhist monk, Talduwe Somarama, and dies the next day.
1957 Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, is integrated by the use of United States Army troops.
1956 TAT-1, the first submarine transatlantic telephone cable system, is inaugurated.
1955 The Royal Jordanian Air Force is founded.
1944 World War II: Surviving elements of the British 1st Airborne Division withdraw from Arnhem via Oosterbeek.
1937 Second Sino-Japanese War: The Chinese Eighth Route Army gains a minor, but morale-boosting victory in the Battle of Pingxingguan.
1926 The international Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery is first signed.
1918 World War I: The end of the Battle of Megiddo, the climax of the British Army's Sinai and Palestine campaign under General Edmund Allenby.
1915 World War I: The Second Battle of Champagne begins.
1912 Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is founded in New York City.
1911 An explosion of badly degraded propellant charges on board the French battleship Liberté detonates the forward ammunition magazines and destroys the ship.
1906 Leonardo Torres y Quevedo demonstrates the Telekino, guiding a boat from the shore, in what is considered to be the first use of a remote control.
1890 The United States Congress establishes Sequoia National Park.
1868 The Imperial Russian steam frigate Alexander Nevsky is shipwrecked off Jutland while carrying Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia.
1804 The Teton Sioux (a subdivision of the Lakota) demand one of the boats from the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a toll for allowing the expedition to move further upriver.
1790 Four Great Anhui Troupes introduce Anhui opera to Beijing in honor of the Qianlong Emperor's eightieth birthday.
1789 The United States Congress passes twelve constitutional amendments: the ten known as the Bill of Rights, the (unratified) Congressional Apportionment Amendment, and the Congressional Compensation Amendment.
1775 American Revolution: Ethan Allen surrenders to British forces after attempting to capture Montreal during the Battle of Longue-Pointe.
1775 American Revolution: Benedict Arnold's expedition to Quebec sets off.
1768 Unification of Nepal
1690 Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper to appear in the Americas, is published for the first and only time.
1555 The Peace of Augsburg is signed by Emperor Charles V and the princes of the Schmalkaldic League.
1513 Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches what would become known as the Pacific Ocean.
1396 Ottoman Emperor Bayezid I defeats a Christian army at the Battle of Nicopolis.
1237 England and Scotland sign the Treaty of York, establishing the location of their common border.
1066 In the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Harald Hardrada, the invading King of Norway, is defeated by King Harold II of England.
762 Led by Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, the Hasanid branch of the Alids begins the Alid Revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate.
275 For the last time, the Roman Senate chooses an emperor; they elect 75-year-old Marcus Claudius Tacitus.
Famous People Born on September 25

Here is a random list who born on September 25. For full list please click on the link above.

Year Name
1525 Steven Borough, English explorer and navigator (d. 1584)
1798 Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont, French geologist and engineer (d. 1874)
1975 Dat Nguyen, American football player and coach
1946 Bryan MacLean, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (d. 1998)
1957 Vladimir Popovkin, Russian general (d. 2014)
1974 Olivier Dacourt, French footballer
1978 Jodie Kidd, English model and actress
1899 Udumalai Narayana Kavi, Indian poet and songwriter (d. 1981)
1981 Jason Bergmann, American baseball player
1946 Ali Parvin, Iranian footballer
Famous People Deaths On September 25

Here is a list of some famous peope who died on September 25. For full list please click on the link above.

Date Name
2003 Aqila al-Hashimi, Iraqi translator and politician (b. 1953)
2014 Ulrick Chérubin, Haitian-Canadian educator and politician (b. 1943)
1774 John Bradstreet, Canadian-English general (b. 1714)
1087 Simon I de Montfort, French nobleman (b. c. 1025)
1066 Harald Hardrada, Norwegian king (b. 1015)
1926 Herbert Booth, English songwriter and bandleader (b. 1862)
1602 Caspar Peucer, German physician, scholar, and reformer (b. 1525)
1939 Ali Saip Ursavaş, Turkish soldier and politician (b. 1885)
1983 Leopold III of Belgium (b. 1901)
1997 Hélène Baillargeon, Canadian singer and actress (b. 1916)