Historical Events on January 9, Special Events on This Day

Important Events From This day in History January 9th. Find Out What happened 9th January This Day in History on your birthday. Also you can find some answers for the following questions;
Which major historical events happened on January 9?
What happened on January 9th in history?
What special day is January 9?
What happened in history on January 9th?

What Happened on January 9th This Day in History

Year Name
2021 Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 crashes north of Jakarta, Indonesia, killing all 62 people on board.
2015 The perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris two days earlier are both killed after a hostage situation; a second hostage situation, related to the Charlie Hebdo shooting, occurs at a Jewish market in Vincennes.
2015 A mass poisoning at a funeral in Mozambique involving beer that was contaminated with Burkholderia gladioli leaves 75 dead and over 230 people ill.
2014 An explosion at a Mitsubishi Materials chemical plant in Yokkaichi, Japan, kills at least five people and injures 17 others.
2011 Iran Air Flight 277 crashes near Urmia in the northwest of the country, in icy conditions, killing 77 people.
2007 Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces the original iPhone at a Macworld keynote in San Francisco.
2005 Mahmoud Abbas wins the election to succeed Yasser Arafat as President of the Palestinian National Authority, replacing interim president Rawhi Fattouh.
2005 The Sudan People's Liberation Movement and the Government of Sudan sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to end the Second Sudanese Civil War.
2004 An inflatable boat carrying illegal Albanian emigrants stalls near the Karaburun Peninsula en route to Brindisi, Italy; exposure to the elements kills 28. This is the second deadliest marine disaster in Albanian history.
1997 Comair Flight 3272 crashes in Raisinville Township in Monroe County, Michigan, killing 29 people.
1996 First Chechen War: Chechen separatists launch a raid against the helicopter airfield and later a civilian hospital in the city of Kizlyar in the neighboring Dagestan, which turns into a massive hostage crisis involving thousands of civilians.
1992 The Assembly of the Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaims the creation of Republika Srpska, a new state within Yugoslavia.
1992 The first discoveries of extrasolar planets are announced by astronomers Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail. They discovered two planets orbiting the pulsar PSR 1257+12.
1991 Representatives from the United States and Iraq meet at the Geneva Peace Conference to try to find a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
1964 Martyrs' Day: Several Panamanian youths try to raise the Panamanian flag in the U.S.-controlled Panama Canal Zone, leading to fighting between U.S. military and Panamanian civilians.
1962 Apollo program: NASA announces plans to build the C-5 rocket launch vehicle, then known as the "Advanced Saturn", to carry human beings to the Moon.
1961 British authorities announce they have uncovered the Soviet Portland Spy Ring in London.
1960 President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser opens construction on the Aswan Dam by detonating ten tons of dynamite to demolish twenty tons of granite on the east bank of the Nile.
1959 The Vega de Tera dam fails, triggering a disastrous flood that nearly destroys the town of Ribadelago and kills 144 residents.
1957 British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden resigns from office following his failure to retake the Suez Canal from Egyptian sovereignty.
1945 World War II: The Sixth United States Army begins the invasion of Lingayen Gulf.
1941 World War II: First flight of the Avro Lancaster.
1927 A fire at the Laurier Palace movie theatre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, kills 78 children.
1923 Juan de la Cierva makes the first autogyro flight.
1923 Lithuanian residents of the Memel Territory rebel against the League of Nations' decision to leave the area as a mandated region under French control.
1921 Greco-Turkish War: The First Battle of İnönü, the first battle of the war, begins near Eskişehir in Anatolia.
1918 Battle of Bear Valley: The last battle of the American Indian Wars.
1917 World War I: The Battle of Rafa is fought near the Egyptian border with Palestine.
1916 World War I: The Battle of Gallipoli concludes with an Ottoman Empire victory when the last Allied forces are evacuated from the peninsula.
1914 The Phi Beta Sigma fraternity is founded by African-American students at Howard University in Washington D.C., United States.
1909 Ernest Shackleton, leading the Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole, plants the British flag 97 nautical miles (180 km; 112 mi) from the South Pole, the farthest anyone had ever reached at that time.
1903 Hallam Tennyson, 2nd Baron Tennyson, son of the poet Alfred Tennyson, becomes the second Governor-General of Australia.
1878 Umberto I becomes King of Italy.
1861 American Civil War: "Star of the West" incident occurs near Charleston, South Carolina.
1861 Mississippi becomes the second state to secede from the Union before the outbreak of the American Civil War.
1858 British forces finally defeat Rajab Ali Khan of Chittagong
1857 The 7.9 Mw  Fort Tejon earthquake shakes Central and Southern California with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent).
1839 The French Academy of Sciences announces the Daguerreotype photography process.
1822 The Portuguese prince Pedro I of Brazil decides to stay in Brazil against the orders of the Portuguese King João VI, beginning the Brazilian independence process.
1816 Humphry Davy tests his safety lamp for miners at Hebburn Colliery.
1806 Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson receives a state funeral and is interred in St Paul's Cathedral.
1799 British Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger introduces an income tax of two shillings to the pound to raise funds for Great Britain's war effort in the Napoleonic Wars.
1793 Jean-Pierre Blanchard becomes the first person to fly in a balloon in the United States.
1792 Treaty of Jassy between Russian and Ottoman Empire is signed, ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–92.
1788 Connecticut becomes the fifth state to ratify the United States Constitution.
1787 The nationally known image of the Black Nazarene in the Philippines was transferred from what is now Rizal Park to its present shrine in the minor basilica of Quiapo Church. This is annually commemorated through its Traslación (solemn transfer) in the streets of Manila and is attended by millions of devotees.[6][7]
1760 Ahmad Shah Durrani defeats the Marathas in the Battle of Barari Ghat.
1431 The trial of Joan of Arc begins in Rouen.
1349 The Jewish population of Basel, believed by the residents to be the cause of the ongoing Black Death, is rounded up and incinerated.
1127 Jin–Song Wars: Invading Jurchen soldiers from the Jin dynasty besiege and sack Bianjing (Kaifeng), the capital of the Song dynasty of China, and abduct Emperor Qinzong of Song and others, ending the Northern Song dynasty.
681 Twelfth Council of Toledo: King Erwig of the Visigoths initiates a council in which he implements diverse measures against the Jews in Spain.
Famous People Born on January 9

Here is a random list who born on January 9. For full list please click on the link above.

Year Name
1822 Carol Benesch, Czech-Romanian architect, designed the Peleș Castle (d. 1896)
1925 Lee Van Cleef, American actor (d. 1989)
1885 Charles Bacon, American runner and hurdler (d. 1968)
1933 Wilbur Smith, Zambian-English journalist and author (d. 2021)
1933 Roy Dwight, English footballer (d. 2002)
1870 Joseph Strauss, American engineer, co-designed the Golden Gate Bridge (d. 1938)
1859 Carrie Chapman Catt, American activist, founded the League of Women Voters and International Alliance of Women (d. 1947)
1829 Thomas William Robertson, English director and playwright (d. 1871)
1896 Warwick Braithwaite, New Zealand-English conductor and director (d. 1971)
1935 Dick Enberg, American sportscaster (d. 2017)
Famous People Deaths On January 9

Here is a list of some famous peope who died on January 9. For full list please click on the link above.

Date Name
2006 Andy Caldecott, Australian motorcycle racer (b. 1964)
1499 John Cicero, Elector of Brandenburg (b. 1455)
1985 Robert Mayer, German-English businessman and philanthropist (b. 1879)
710 Adrian of Canterbury, abbot and scholar
2013 Brigitte Askonas, Austrian-English immunologist and academic (b. 1923)
1993 Paul Hasluck, Australian historian and politician, Governor-General of Australia (b. 1905)
1529 Wang Yangming, Chinese Neo-Confucian scholar (b. 1472)
2016 John Harvard, Canadian journalist and politician, 23rd Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba (b. 1938)
2007 Elmer Symons, South African motorcycle racer (b. 1977)
1858 Anson Jones, American physician and politician; 4th President of the Republic of Texas (b. 1798)