Famous people with Aquarius zodiac sign? Page 113

List of Most Famous Aquarius Male and Female. Find out below which celebrities are born under the Aquarius zodiac sun sign. You can follow famous people, artists, actors, actresses, football players, leaders, scientists or people who have a Aquarius sign, on this page. Who are the male and female celebrities with Aquarius?

Name Date of birth Age
Zé Luís January 24, 1991 33 Age
Zeb-un-Nissa February 15, 1638 ( Died 1702, at 64 age )
Željko Šturanović January 31, 1960 ( Died 2014, at 54 age )
Zhan Beleniuk January 24, 1991 33 Age
Zhang Jike February 16, 1988 36 Age
Zhang Jingchu February 02, 1980 44 Age
Zhang Shuai (tennis) January 21, 1989 35 Age
Zhu Lin (tennis) January 28, 1994 30 Age
Zina Bethune February 17, 1945 ( Died 2012, at 67 age )
Zoran Čampara February 16, 1972 52 Age
Zoran Mušič February 12, 1909 ( Died 2005, at 96 age )
Zoran Thaler January 21, 1962 62 Age
Zosia Mamet February 02, 1988 36 Age
Zsa Zsa Gabor February 06, 1917 ( Died 2016, at 99 age )
Zsófia Susányi February 16, 1992 32 Age
Zygmunt Kukla (footballer) January 21, 1948 ( Died 2016, at 68 age )
Zypora Spaisman January 21, 1916 ( Died 2002, at 86 age )