Important Historical Events of the year 939, Year 939 in History

List of 939 Major News Events in History, Most Important Historical Events in 939

What happened in the year 939?

Date Event
July 19, 939 Battle of Simancas: King Ramiro II of León defeats the Moorish army under Caliph Abd-al-Rahman III near the city of Simancas.
August 5, 939 The Battle of Alhandic is fought between Ramiro II of León and Abd-ar-Rahman III at Zamora in the context of the Spanish Reconquista. The battle resulted in a victory for the Emirate of Córdoba.
October 2, 939 Battle of Andernach: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, crushes a rebellion against his rule, by a coalition of Eberhard of Franconia and other Frankish dukes.