Important Historical Events of the year 1793, Year 1793 in History

List of 1793 Major News Events in History, Most Important Historical Events in 1793

What happened in the year 1793?

Date Event
January 9, 1793 Jean-Pierre Blanchard becomes the first person to fly in a balloon in the United States.
January 13, 1793 Nicolas Jean Hugon de Bassville, representative of Revolutionary France, is lynched by a mob in Rome.
January 21, 1793 After being found guilty of treason by the French National Convention, Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine.
January 23, 1793 Second Partition of Poland.
February 1, 1793 French Revolutionary Wars: France declares war on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
March 18, 1793 The first modern republic in Germany, the Republic of Mainz, is declared by Andreas Joseph Hofmann.
March 18, 1793 Flanders Campaign of the French Revolution, Battle of Neerwinden.
April 6, 1793 During the French Revolution, the Committee of Public Safety becomes the executive organ of the republic.
April 24, 1793 French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat is acquitted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of charges brought by the Girondin in Paris.
May 23, 1793 Battle of Famars during the Flanders Campaign of the War of the First Coalition.
June 2, 1793 French Revolution: François Hanriot, leader of the Parisian National Guard, arrests 22 Girondists selected by Jean-Paul Marat, setting the stage for the Reign of Terror.
June 10, 1793 The Jardin des Plantes museum opens in Paris. A year later, it becomes the first public zoo.
June 10, 1793 French Revolution: Following the arrests of Girondin leaders, the Jacobins gain control of the Committee of Public Safety installing the revolutionary dictatorship.
June 24, 1793 The first Republican constitution in France is adopted.
July 9, 1793 The Act Against Slavery in Upper Canada bans the importation of slaves and will free those who are born into slavery after the passage of the Act at 25 years of age.
July 13, 1793 Journalist and French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat is assassinated in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday, a member of the opposing political faction.
July 22, 1793 Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific Ocean becoming the first recorded human to complete a transcontinental crossing of North America.
July 23, 1793 Kingdom of Prussia re-conquers Mainz from France.
August 12, 1793 The Rhône and Loire départments are created when the former département of Rhône-et-Loire is split into two.
August 16, 1793 French Revolution: A levée en masse is decreed by the National Convention.
August 27, 1793 French Revolutionary Wars: The city of Toulon revolts against the French Republic and admits the British and Spanish fleets to seize its port, leading to the Siege of Toulon by French Revolutionary forces.
September 5, 1793 French Revolution: The French National Convention initiates the Reign of Terror.
September 8, 1793 French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Hondschoote.
September 17, 1793 War of the Pyrenees: France defeats a Spanish force at the Battle of Peyrestortes.
September 18, 1793 The first cornerstone of the United States Capitol is laid by George Washington.
October 12, 1793 The cornerstone of Old East, the oldest state university building in the United States, is laid at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
October 13, 1793 French Revolutionary Wars: Austro-Prussian victory over Republican France at the First Battle of Wissembourg.
October 15, 1793 Queen Marie Antoinette of France is tried and convicted of treason.
October 16, 1793 French Revolution: Queen Marie Antoinette is executed.
October 16, 1793 War of the First Coalition: French victory at the Battle of Wattignies forces Austria to raise the siege of Maubeuge.
November 3, 1793 French playwright, journalist and feminist Olympe de Gouges is guillotined.
November 10, 1793 A Goddess of Reason is proclaimed by the French Convention at the suggestion of Pierre Gaspard Chaumette.
November 16, 1793 French Revolution: Ninety dissident Roman Catholic priests are executed by drowning at Nantes.
December 18, 1793 Surrender of the frigate La Lutine by French Royalists to Lord Samuel Hood; renamed HMS Lutine, she later becomes a famous treasure wreck.
December 23, 1793 The Battle of Savenay: A decisive defeat of the royalist counter-revolutionaries in War in the Vendée during the French Revolution.
December 25, 1793 General "Mad Anthony" Wayne and a 300 man detachment identify the site of St. Clair's 1791 defeat by the large number of unburied human remains at modern Fort Recovery, Ohio.
December 26, 1793 Second Battle of Wissembourg: France defeats Austria.