Important Historical Events of the year 1606, Year 1606 in History

List of 1606 Major News Events in History, Most Important Historical Events in 1606

What happened in the year 1606?

Date Event
January 27, 1606 Gunpowder Plot: The trial of Guy Fawkes and other conspirators begins, ending with their execution on January 31.
January 31, 1606 Gunpowder Plot: Four of the conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, are executed for treason by hanging, drawing and quartering, for plotting against Parliament and King James.
February 26, 1606 The Janszoon voyage of 1605–06 becomes the first European expedition to set foot on Australia, although it is mistaken as a part of New Guinea.
April 10, 1606 The Virginia Company of London is established by royal charter by James I of England with the purpose of establishing colonial settlements in North America.
April 12, 1606 The Union Flag is adopted as the flag of English and Scottish ships.
December 19, 1606 The ships Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery depart England carrying settlers who founded, at Jamestown, Virginia, the first of the thirteen colonies that became the United States.